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Booting netbsd-8 fails

Hi all,

Few months ago, I tried NetBSD 8.0 RC1. Booting failed.
Today NetBSD 8.0 is released, so I tried it again.
Booting failed with exactly the same symptom.
Both cases, I did upgrading from NetBSD 7.1_STABLE.

# uname -a
NetBSD netbsd.localdomain 7.1_STABLE NetBSD 7.1_STABLE (GENERIC) #7: Thu Jun  7 22:34:37 +07 2018  root@netbsd.localdomain:/usr/obj/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC amd64

My updating process is as followings.
# setenv CVS_RSH ssh
# setenv CVSROOT
# cd /usr
# cvs checkout -r netbsd-8 -P src
# ./ -O ../obj -T ../tools -U -u distribution
Compile fails, so I clean it and start over again.

# rm -rf /usr/obj /usr/tools
# cd /usr/src
# ./ -r -O ../obj -T ../tools -U -u distribution
# ./ -O ../obj -T ../tools -U -u kernel=GENERIC
This time it compiles well.
# mv /netbsd /netbsd.old
# mv /usr/obj/sys/arch/i386/compile/CUSTOM/netbsd /
# shutdown -r now
This time netbsd-8 still boots.
# cd /usr/src
# ./ -O ../obj -T ../tools -U install=/
# /usr/sbin/etcupdate
# shutdown -r now
Booting fails, and I end up booting with this...

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Thank you,

Gua Chung Lim
"UNIX is basically a simple operating system,
but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity."
-- Dennis M. Ritchie

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