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Re: [NetBSD 8.0] Another panic in ffs_newvnode()

Robert Elz a écrit :
    Date:        Sun, 9 Jul 2017 17:11:13 -0000 (UTC)
    From: (Michael van Elst)
    Message-ID:  <ojto3h$2di$>

  | That sounds like some heavier corruption from the past. fsck cannot repair
  | everything.

Are we really sure that mounting filesystems


works properly?
	I mount these disks for a long time without any trouble with log and 
async. I only have seen strange issues in early -7 when this server 
often paniced.
Joel, try removing the "async", and (after a full fsck -f to make sure
the filesystem looks OK) see if the panics and filesystem screwups go away.
	I cannot as this server is now far away. Maybe in a couple of weeks.

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