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Re: NetBSD-current on HP Pavilion p6142p

Since I initially booted the machine from a USB liveimage and most
recently arranged to net-boot the machine, I just noticed that the
machine does not detect the SATA hard disk or DVD drive.

This is curious as the machine otherwise boots Linux Mint 18.1 from
the hard disk.

Actually, I think it does detect them on cold boot but reports errors.
On simple reboot it does not detect them at all.

Upon cold boot (power-on):

ahcisata0 at pci0 dev 9 function 0: NVIDIA nForce MCP77 AHCI Controller (rev. 0xa2)
LSA0: Picked IRQ 21 with weight 1
ahcisata0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 21
ahcisata0: 64-bit DMA
ahcisata0: ignoring broken port multiplier support
ahcisata0: AHCI revision 1.20, 4 ports, 32 slots, CAP 0xe3209f03<PMD,ISS=0x2=Gen2,SCLO,SAL,SSNTF,SNCQ,S64A>
atabus0 at ahcisata0 channel 0
atabus1 at ahcisata0 channel 1
atabus2 at ahcisata0 channel 2
atabus3 at ahcisata0 channel 3
ahcisata0 port 1: device present, speed: 3.0Gb/s
ahcisata0 port 2: device present, speed: 1.5Gb/s
ahcisata0 channel 1: clearing WDCTL_RST failed for drive 0
atabus2: Unrecognized signature 0x00000001 on port 0. Assuming it's a disk.
wd0 at atabus2 drive 0
wd0: IDENTIFY failed
wd0: fixing 0 sector size
wd0: secperunit and ncylinders are zero
wd0(ahcisata0:2:0): using PIO mode 0

After reboot:

ahcisata0 at pci0 dev 9 function 0: NVIDIA nForce MCP77 AHCI Controller (rev. 0xa2)
LSA0: Picked IRQ 21 with weight 1
ahcisata0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 21
ahcisata0: 64-bit DMA
ahcisata0: ignoring broken port multiplier support
ahcisata0: AHCI revision 1.20, 4 ports, 32 slots, CAP 0xe3209f03<PMD,ISS=0x2=Gen2,SCLO,SAL,SSNTF,SNCQ,S64A>
atabus0 at ahcisata0 channel 0
atabus1 at ahcisata0 channel 1
atabus2 at ahcisata0 channel 2
atabus3 at ahcisata0 channel 3
ahcisata0 port 1: device present, speed: 3.0Gb/s
ahcisata0 port 2: device present, speed: 1.5Gb/s
ahcisata0 channel 2: clearing WDCTL_RST failed for drive 0
ahcisata0 channel 1: clearing WDCTL_RST failed for drive 0

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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