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Re: Exist operating systems that ship without blobs?

On Fri, 19 Feb 2016, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
Never mind that OpenBSD's position is basically horseshit: they have not,
after all, removed support for all devices which *have onboard firmware
for which no source code is supplied*.
..... and this is emblematic of why I love NetBSD and didn't go away after 
Theo and Marcus both threw fits and bailed out. Simple pragmatism and lack 
of security hand waving. Security is great, but *balanced* with the 
functionality of the system.
OpenBSD *has* had some cool ideas. PF, CARP, OpenSSH, etc.. they have some 
really great coders doing some awesome things. However, this little 
ongoing drama over firmware isn't their most shining moment, no doubt.
What's the point of refusing to support devices for which opaque firmware
code is loaded by the OS under the user's control, while still supporting
ones for which the opaque firmware code
It makes *zero* sense. There is no good reason for hand-wringing in either 
case, really. Sure, the NSA / CIA / MI6 / ISIS / Easter-bunny could put 
code in your ethernet, HBA, SCSI, 802.11, or system firmware (and it 
doesn't matter where the firmware lives for them to do it). They could 
sneak into your house and hardwire a console, too. Some things are simply 
not within our control. We can complain, state how we'd like them, but 
then for pete's sake, *move on*. I remember Theo pitching a fit about this 
at Def Con 4 or 5 which was about 20 years or so ago... It occurs to me 
that the hardware vendors still don't give a rats ass.
Over here in NetBSD land, we are not so interested in smoking in the boys' room with the other cool kids and so false distinctions like that which would let us wear our cool T-shirts and spew foam all over our friends are... less appealing.
Hahaha ! Well with this statement, you've broken some brogrammer's heart 
somewhere, I'd guess. :-)  He's crying into his IPA at the craft brewery, 
right now. His man-bun is coming undone. Expect a forthcoming Slashdot 
article about how "Thor Simon of NetBSD gets Mean" or something, next. 
*belly laugh*

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