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Re: Fwd: Problems installing NetBSD 7.0 (Fredrik Pettai) writes:

>Begin forwarded message:

>The installation of NetBSD 7.0 didn?t work smooth for the author of this article,
>and the same happened for another sysadmin I know.
>Someone should have a look at this to see if this could be fixed.

This here doesn't look like it can be fixed quickly.

The TSC code has issues with the Haswell-EP, maybe harmless.

USB failed completely, maybe interrupt routing or conflicting USB3 that we
don't see on the screen.

A wd device is found but cannot be accessed, that might even not be
the system disk. If that's server hardware (and Haswell-EP tells this)
then it probably has some RAID controller that we don't even

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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