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WAPBL and snapshots


I've been wanting to use `log' on my ffs filesystems for a long time, but I keep getting scared away by this "caveat" in the wabpl(4) man page:
 "File system snapshots (fss(4)) and quotas do not yet work with

I use `dump -x' for backups. So essentially I'm SOL with regards to journalling!
At least maybe until LVM comes into the stable branches with it's own 
snapshot facility. But then LVM comes with a stiff warning...
 "Snapshot feature is not fully implemented in LVM in NetBSD and
  should not be used in production."

Aye! And there's no real indication that LVM plays nice with WAPBL either (although I understand that LVM provides a separate layer of abstraction that isn't a file system.)
I've taken to ignoring the comical "bug" in the fss(4) man page:

 "This driver is experimental. Be sure you have a backup before
  you use it."

It has worked fine for me for years. (Backups happen every night with fss snapshots via `dump -x'.)
What it all boils down to is: What's the best approach to doing online 
backups of a NetBSD system while incorporating journalled file systems?
So far I feel lucky that fss works for me despite its 
"experimental"-ness; and luck isn't something I like to count on with 
computers. Any advice would be most helpful. Thanks,

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