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Garmin gps tracker: libusb i/o error


I'm trying to retrieve data from my Garmin gps-sportswatch via libusb:
(using pkgsrc/geography/gpsbabel, or the to be imported garmintools pkg)

ugen1 at uhub6 port 2
ugen1: vendor 0x091e product 0x0003, rev 1.10/0.01, addr 2

(Strange, the vendor and product id's are in usbdevs (Forerunner 305) but
the kernel doesn't print its name?)

The device is properly detected by gpsbabel, but I'm getting the following
error on usb_bulk_write:

# gpsbabel -D9 -t -i garmin -f usb:-1 -o gpx -F /tmp/blah.gpx
GPSBabel Version: 1.3.6
Bad cmdsend r -5 sz 12
usb_bulk_write failed. 'error writing to bulk endpoint /dev/ugen1.02: 
Input/output error'

The code is:

int r;
r = usb_bulk_write(udev, gusb_bulk_out_ep, (char *)(void *)opkt->dbuf, sz, 

if (r != (int) sz) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Bad cmdsend r %d sz %ld\n", r, (unsigned long) sz);
        if (r < 0) {
                fatal("usb_bulk_write failed. '%s'\n",

(same error from similar code in garmintools package)

On Linux I can communicate with this device just fine using the same code.

Any ideas?


Geert Hendrickx  -=-  -=-  PGP: 0xC4BB9E9F
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