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Re: xfwm4 over ssh ?

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At 14:51 Uhr +0200 13.05.2009, Caloro Maurizio wrote:
 At 14:26 Uhr +0200 13.05.2009, Caloro Maurizio wrote:
 >i connect from me PC over putty (ssh) to my Netbsd 5.0 Blink
 >and i want try to start "xfwm4", if i do this the followin error appair.

 Can you give details about the peecee side setup, please? Which X
 server application?

  From what you listed, it sounds like your X server comes with a
 built-in window manager, already.
Blade100 - netbsd 5.0

blink$ startx --version
xauth:  creating new authority file /home/mc/.serverauth.25593
xauth: (argv):1:  bad display name "blink.:0" in "list" command
xauth: (stdin):1:  bad display name "blink.:0" in "add" command

X.Org X Server 1.4.2
Hum. So... You are running Putty on a windows machine to log in to 
your NetBSD machine.
First question: Where do you want your window manager (xfwm4) to 
appear? On the windows desktop, or on a screen attached to the NetBSD 
If the former, your windows machine has to run an X server, and the X 
client (window manager, xterm of what have you) runs on the NetBSD 
If the latter - what's the point?


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