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Why do my pkgsrc-2009Q1 tarballs appear broken?

I just updated my i386 box to 5.0_RC4, and sucked down pkgsrc-2009Q1 to update my packages.

With both the .bz2 and the .gz tarballs (both of which match the fingerprints on after download), I get:

tar: Invalid header, starting valid header search.
tar: Invalid header, starting valid header search.
tar: Invalid header, starting valid header search.

during extraction/test of the archives.

Testing the archives with tar -tzf pkgsrc-2009Q1.tar.gz 2>&1 gives
(assuming this does get the stdio buffering right) that this happens between:

tar: Invalid header, starting valid header search.
tar: Invalid header, starting valid header search.

(notice the funny filename ordering) and the last one at:

tar: Invalid header, starting valid header search.

I'm all ears for ideas. :-)


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