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hotswap drives an i386/amd64?

For a long time I've used ViPower IDE/USB2.0 hotswap drives to do backups for servers, but I now need to backup terabytes and IDE hd's are all only 500GB or so these days.

My local yumcha suppliers can't get me a ViPower usb2/SATA enclosure, and I want to stick with their form factor for the convenience of the client. Swap these two drives once a week - very easy for them and 'good enough' backups for their requirements.

I can get the same form factor enclosure that uses hotswap SATA, I know NetBSD 4.x doesn't support hotswapping SATA, but does/will 5.0? If not, what else would work in a similar way with very simple hardware?



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