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Re: _res related query (Channa) writes:

>I have a query with respect to '_res' resolver state in NetBSD.
>when executed gives the following output:

>$ ./test
>The _res value is 5

>It always prints the value '5'.
>Could anyone tell me why the value 5??

__res is not a single number but a structure that describes
the internal state of the resolver. That structure is passed
to printf and what you see is the just first element which
happens to be the retransmission time interval of 5 seconds.

The structure is for internal operation of the resolver only
and should never be used by a program. You can find the
declaration in resolv.h, look for 'struct __res_state'.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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