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Re: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD?

On Sun, 8 Feb 2009, David Brownlee wrote:

        For reference the currnt top tasks, and my thoughts on them:

        d) The default installation should be targeted at a user
           doing a desktop installation on a modern PC with a single
           large (>50GB) disk and plenty of RAM.

           Mainly changes to sysinst to ask about installing the
           desktop, autoconfiguring X11, creating a user account,
           enabling dhcp client on installed system if it was used
           during install, hiding some questions under 'expert'
           install option. Defaulting ksh command line completion on.
           I see no problems here.

I think that if sysinst forks early between "expert" mode (which
remains pretty much just like the current sysinst) and "easy" or "easy
desktop" mode, then you can do pretty much what you want with the
"easy" stuff (as long as the code stays clean) without upsetting too
many people.

If your new desktop-related questions end up stomping all over the
sysinst experience for expert users, you'll probably face mighty

        i) add essential tools into system base

Can you be more specific about what those tools are essential *to*,
and why including them in the "desktop meta-package" in pkgsrc is not

I can't see anything else that's problematic in your list, myself.


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