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Re: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help (=?UTF-8?B?SmFrYSBKZWrEjWnEjQ==?=) writes:

>There are a couple of points i'd like to stress:
>1. NetBSD is not an OS that you give your grandma and she starts hacking 
>away. We have a niche OS that is good, actually it is the very best in 
>its niche -> and expert user.
>    It is no point trying to meet the demands of the majority of users 
>for two reasons - we won't meet their demands better than other (bigger) 
>OSes and we may loose
>    an expert user who wants something simple, different and 
>down-to-the-last-line-of-code systematicly thought off system - which a 
>desktop NetBSD with some 3rd party GUI
>    certainly won't be.

Think of the NetBSD Desktop project as something like a pkgsrc
meta-gnomedesktop package, plus adding an optional simplified frontend
to the already existing, control-file reading sysinstall-ng backend.

Take a deep breath.

Realize that if you don't want to, you won't need to use it. ;-)

Also realize that even if you won't be using the primary result of this
work (I'm not likely to for my private uses either), it's still going
to iron out some annoying wrinkles for those of us that do use NetBSD
on their desktop.

Another point to consider is that most people who work on NetBSD do so in
their private time, on whatever strikes their fancy. If the choice is
between making them do nothing or letting them work on stuff that you have
doubts can be completed, the second option at least has a chance of gain.

-- (S.P.Zeidler)

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