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Re: how to use amd?

> (My real goal is to be able to enter my memory card and have it 
> automatically mounted and maybe even have a X11 filemanager open to that 
> directory.)

> I want to use amd to mount a directory when I go to it. I will use 
> /camera. It is my sd0 which is a sdmmc2 memory card (I am using 
> uncommitted code for this which works fine for me).
Small config that works fine for me (wip/am-utils package).
/root/bin/umount_notif and /root/bin/mount_notif are wrappers for
[u]mount utilities with notification.


  [ global ]
  unmount_on_exit   = yes

  dismount_interval = 4
  cache_duration     = 4

  localhost_address =

  log_file    = syslog
  log_options = all

  [ /media ]
  map_name =              /usr/pkg/etc/amd/media

  /defaults    type:=program;fs:=${autodir}/auto/${key};\
               unmount:="/root/bin/umount_notif umount 

  a            mount:="/sbin/mount mount -t msdosfs /dev/fd0d ${fs}"

  cd           mount:="/sbin/mount mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0a 

  zip          mount:="/root/bin/mount_notif mount -t msdos \
                -o-m=644,-M=755,-u=10040,-g=10001,-Dcp866,-Lcp1251 \
                /dev/sd0d ${fs}"
  sd0e_fat     mount:="/root/bin/mount_notif mount -t msdos \
                -o-l,-m=644,-M=755,-u=10040,-g=10001,-Dcp866,-Lcp1251 \
                /dev/sd0e ${fs}"
  sd1e_fat     mount:="/root/bin/mount_notif mount -t msdos \
                -o-m=644,-M=755,-u=10040,-g=10001,-Dcp866,-Lcp1251 \
                /dev/sd1e ${fs}"

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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