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NetBSD and ASUS's EeeBox

Hi all,

I thought it'd be interesting to have information about how badly the
EeeBox is currently supported by NetBSD, and how close we are to make it
a useful piece of hardware when running NetBSD.

I've had mine for I think more than a month now but the progress has
been very slow.  One reason for that is that neither the wireless
(Ralink) or the gigabit ethernet (Realtek) work under NetBSD-current.

What I have achieved so far:

  - A somewhat working port of OpenBSD's support for newest Ralink
    chips.  As it is, I don't expect it to work in WPA, but it does
    work in WEP.  There is an odd behaviour with channel selection, as
    well as with wpa_supplicant.

  - I've started working on making the re(4) work.  Strangely enough,
    with some additional calls to re_reset() at attach time, and also a
    magic printf(), it will sometimes work rather nicely, but the rest
    of the time it won't produce an interrupt.  It appears that
    rgephy(4) is in need of a lot of work (which mostly consists in
    sending a specific stream of magic numbers to magic registers
    depending on the exact model of the chip).

The rest is pretty much untested.  Yesterday I had a first try with the we have now in the tree, and the results are not very conclusive.
It insisted on using 1024x768 on my 1080p TV.  It seems that an even
more current xf86-video-intel might help with that.

I have yet to look at the azalia chip, and the one feature that will be
critical to have on such a box, ACPI S3 support.

Note that it is not a very fast machine.  It took 6 hours to build the
base system and on it.

Quentin Garnier - -
"See the look on my face from staying too long in one place
[...] every time the morning breaks I know I'm closer to falling"
KT Tunstall, Saving My Face, Drastic Fantastic, 2007.

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