On May,Sunday 4 2008, at 7:26 AM, 温兴华 wrote:
hello all,I just install NetBSD on my labtop which is Acer Ferrari 3200 with NICBroadcom Card. I thick the chip is BCM570x family. After my system isinstalled,I use dhclient to get IP address. The following information isprinted:
Which version of NetBSD have you installed ? There were some updates to bge driver in NetBSD-4 and -current.
DHCPDISCOVER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx bge0: watchdog timeout -- resetting bge0: block failed to stop: reg 0x1400, bit 0x00000002And I can't get an IP address,I think maybe something wrong with thebge driver and I want to get some help. Thanks.
Regards Adam.