* *From*: *Mark Weinem <mark.weinem%alumni.uni-due.de@localhost
1) Make a backup
2) Fetch a new kernel and the binary sets and store them /some/where/
3) Install the new kernel (but keep the old one!!)
# mv /netbsd /netbsd.old
# pax -zrf /some/where/newkernel.tgz
# mv /some/where/newkernel /netbsd
4) Reboot
5) Install the sets *except* etc.tzg and xetc.tgz!!
# cd /
# pax -zrf /some/where/set.tgz
# ...
# ...
6) Run etcupdate to merge important changes:
# cd /
# etcupdate -s /some/where/etc.tgz -s /some/where/xetc.tgz
7) Upgrade finished, time to reboot.