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Re: MSR support design choice

On Aug 18, 23:34, Brian Buhrow wrote:
}       Hello.  Are there pros to having the kernel do the CPU
} switching?  You don't seem to list } any, but there must be
} trade-offs.  What are they?

      It just depends on where you want the complexity.  If userland
does it, then you use cpusets and schedular affinity to jump to a
particular cpu.  This is how "cpuctl identify <n>" does it.  For
my testing, I have done it this way.  It makes the kernel side
really simple.  If done in the kernel, then a xcall will be needed
which complicates the kernel side considerably, but makes the
userland side simple as you just specify which cpu you want.

}-- End of excerpt from Brian Buhrow

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