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Re: HEADS UP: plan to switch many ports over to GCC 12 soon

[trimmed the cc list down]

On Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 09:59:54 +0900, Rin Okuyama wrote:

> With in-tree GCC 12.4, kernel crashes just same as 12.3 :(
> Even a single character is output to console. I tried to
> drop some features from kernel config to reduce size
> significantly, but it does not help. On the other hand,
> same kernel works just fine if compiled by GCC 10.5.

Are binutils the same?  I'd first rule out section alignment/layout
issues (cf. netwinder changes to make netbsd-10 work again).

I'd compile the kernel with gcc 10, then remove (stow away, really)
half the object files and compile with gcc 12.  If the result works,
repeat with the half of the remaining half.  If it doesn't - restore
the gcc10 objects and bisect them.  I had to this couple of times on
previous gcc uprqades.

Sorry, I sitll haven't moved back most of my small machines from my
self-isolation lair, so my landisk is currently not here to test.


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