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Re: ssh client_loop send disconnnect from Dom0 -> DomU (NetBSD 10.0_BETA/Xen)


On 30.06.23 07:07, Brian Buhrow wrote:
	hello.  Yes, this behavior is expected.  It ensures that there is no conflict between the
device on the domu end of the vif port and the device on the dom0 end.  This is more
sane behavior than FreeBSD, which zeros out the MAC address on the dom0 side of the vif.


thanks for the clarification. Good to know this is not a bug or so.

Overall the topic seems now a lot more clearer and with the static ARP entries in place I can finally return to having daily backups of my VMs :-)

Concerning the root cause I assume this requires further investigation. To make this independend of the system where it originally occured, I plan to create a minimal setup to reproduce it on a similiar sized system and will support as much I can.

Kind regards

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