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Re: ssh client_loop send disconnnect from Dom0 -> DomU (NetBSD 10.0_BETA/Xen)


On 23.06.23 02:45, RVP wrote:
So, the server tries to write data into the socket; write() fails with
errno = EHOSTDOWN which sshd(8) treats as a fatal error and it exits.
The client tries to read/write to a closed connection, and it too quits.

The part which doesn't make sense is the EHOSTDOWN error. Clearly the
other end isn't down. Can't say I understand what's happening here. You
need a Xen guru now, Matthias :)

I will still try the tips from yesterday (long time ping test) and collect some more data. And yes - I think only someone with a strong Xen background can really help me :-) I will followup as soon I completed my recent tests.

On Thu, 22 Jun 2023, Brian Buhrow wrote:

      hello.  Actually, on the server side, where you get the "host is down" message, that is a system error from the network stack itself.  I've seen it when the arp cache times out and
can't be refreshed in a timely manner.

But, does ARP make any sense for Xen IFs? I thought MAC addresses were
ginned up for Xen IFs...

At the moment, I manually set the MAC adresses for all DomUs in the Domain configuration file (at the network interface specification), example:

vif = ['mac=00:16:3E:00:00:01,bridge=bridge0,ip=' ]
disk = [


I have made sure that there are no duplicates of MAC adresses in my network. The reason why I had decided to set them manually was to avoid accidental duplicates when operating multiple Xen hosts at the same network (My understanding is that I in case the mac= paramater is left off, Xen tooling decides for a MAC adress from the 00:16:3E... range).

Actually I don't believe this would make a difference - but should I try to avoid the manual specification of the mac adress here for a test?

Kind regards

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