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Re: Functional differences when using ntpd as NTP client on NTP-NetBSD 9.3<-->10 ?


Am 21.10.2022 um 18:02 schrieb Christos Zoulas:
from man ntp.conf:
      The quality and reliability of the suite of associations discovered by
      the manycast client is determined by the NTP mitigation algorithms and
      the minclock and minsane values specified in the tos configuration
      command.  At least minsane candidate servers must be available and the
      mitigation algorithms produce at least minclock survivors in order to
      synchronize the clock.  Byzantine agreement principles require at least
      four candidates in order to correctly discard a single falseticker.  For
      legacy purposes, minsane defaults to 1 and minclock defaults to 3.  For
      manycast service minsane should be explicitly set to 4, assuming at least
      that number of servers are available.

How many clocks are you synchronizing against? Could it be that you
end up with fewer than minclock servers?


Well, strictly speaking, I synchronise exactly against a single clock (that of the host on which the VMs are running). This also works reliably on NetBSD 9.3 with the configuration parameters from my last mail.

Regarding "tos minclock", I had relied on the comment in the configuration file:

"Set the target and limit for adding servers configured via pool statements or discovered dynamically via mechanisms such as broadcast and manycast."

and left it at the default values, because I don't use a pool statement but a dedicated server statemend to define the clock source.

tos minclock 3 maxclock 6
server burst minpoll 4 maxpoll 6 true

Admittedly, the excerpt from man ntp.conf reads a bit more generic. However, the problem also exists with:

tos minclock 1 maxclock 1

Kind regards

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