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Re: weird less(1) CTRL-Z behaviour

On 12 October 2022 11:13:05 (+01:00), Thomas Klausner wrote:

> Hi!
> I've been using the following shell function for ages:
> dir() { ls -al "$@" | less; }
> On -current (9.99.100 kernel from Oct 9, Userland from Sep 21, zsh
> from May), when I CTRL-Z the less(1) and then want to go back in, it
> doesn't work and I see the following:
> > dir
> zsh: done ls -al "$@" |
> zsh: suspended
> > fg
> [1] + done ls -al "$@" |
> continued
> zsh: done ls -al "$@" |
> zsh: suspended (tty output)
> zsh: done ls -al "$@" |
> zsh: suspended (tty output)
> That happens every time I try to 'fg' it.
Seems specific to the shell. I get the same with zsh, with /bin/sh I get:
$ exec /bin/sh
$ dir() { ls -al "$@" | less; }
$ dir
[1] + Done                    ls -al "${@}" |
      Suspended               less
$ fg
ls -al "${@}" | less
fg: Cannot continue job (No such process)
$ jobs
[1] + Done                    ls -al "${@}" |
      Suspended               less
$ fg
ls -al "${@}" | less
fg: Cannot continue job (No such process)

However, with /usr/pkg/bin/ksh93 from the latest pkgsrc package, it works as expected:

➜ ~ exec ksh93
[xci@ymir ~]; dir() { /bin/ls -al "$@" | less; }
[xci@ymir ~]; dir
[1] + Stopped                  dir
[xci@ymir ~]; fg                     ---- it gets me back into less, which I exit
[xci@ymir ~]; fg
ksh93: fg: no such job
[xci@ymir ~];

> This was working fine not so long ago, but I don't remember exactly
> when it started happening.
> Thomas

Chavdar Ivanov

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