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Re: patches for RDC pcidevs, rdcpcib driver and Vortex86 SoCs identification

In article <>,
Andrius V  <> wrote:
>Basically all SoCs has the same pattern: "0x3[0]504d44" where 0
>changes from 1 to 8 as of now. Previously code had a switch statement
>just comparing values directly, but current optimization with the
>"array" utilized the fact that ids were up to number "7". Because of
>this, just adding EX2 to array won't work anymore with current
>comparisons. So I came up with upper solution just to pass through all
>possible 3x (0-f) values, extract the number, and finally check that
>it doesn't exceed the size of array (otherwise still pass 0). Or at
>least, that was my idea.
>SX     0x31504d44         31
>DX     0x32504d44         32
>MX     0x33504d44         33
>DX2    0x34504d44         34
>MX+   0x35504d44         35
>DX3    0x36504d44          36
>EX      0x37504d44          37
>EX2    0x38504d44         38
>Andrius V

Committed, thanks for the explanation.


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