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Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 test failure

This is an automatically generated notice of new failures of the
NetBSD test suite.

The newly failing test cases are:


The above tests failed in each of the last 3 test runs, and passed in
at least 27 consecutive runs before that.

The following commits were made between the last successful test and
the failed test:

    2019. christos src/sys/external/bsd/ipf/netinet/fil.c,v 1.26
    2019. christos src/sys/external/bsd/ipf/netinet/fil.c,v 1.27
    2019. christos src/sys/external/bsd/ipf/netinet/ip_fil.h,v 1.7
    2019. christos src/sys/external/bsd/ipf/netinet/fil.c,v 1.28

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