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re: current - still problems with X11 and intel video

Riccardo Mottola writes:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded all kernel and userland, it took some time because of 
> the long buiild [*]
[ .. ]
> [*] what option to avoid building whole llvm again? I think it is not 
> needed for the intel driver, right? I remember some discussion to skip 
> that part

two things to try:  use UXA instead of SNA.  just this
in xorg.conf is all you need (or similar):

   Section "Device"
     Identifier "Card0"
     Driver     "intel"
     Option     "AccelMethod" "UXA"

alternatively, downgrade the driver.

if you cleandir and rebuild in
with 'nbmake-amd64 INTEL_DRIVER_DATE=2014', and
install that.


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