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Re: 8.99.41 panic in nvm_poll

On 2019/06/10 17:17, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> I tried some more stuff.
> Enabling the NVME_QUIRK_DELAY_B4_CHK_RDY quirk didn't help, it paniced
> during boot. However, forcing nvme_pci_force_intx to 1 makes it boot
> successfully!

Please show the following information:

	- "FULL" dmesg

	- output of cpuctl list

	- output of intrctl list

	- output of pcictl pci0 dump -b X -d Y of the device.

> Should this variable default to 1, or how do we improve the situation
> in general?
> Cheers,
>  Thomas

                SAITOH Masanobu (

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