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Automated report: NetBSD-current/i386 build failure

This is an automatically generated notice of a NetBSD-current/i386
build failure.

The failure occurred on, a NetBSD/amd64 host,
using sources from CVS date 2019.

An extract from the output follows:

    --- dependall-share ---
    --- CP874.src ---
    --- dependall-crypto/external ---
    /tmp/bracket/build/2019. -g -L VERSION ocsp.o
    --- dependall-share ---
    #    create  esdb/CP874.src
    /tmp/bracket/build/2019. 's/CPx/CP874/' /tmp/bracket/build/2019. > CP874.src
    --- CP875.src ---
    --- dependall-crypto/external ---
    --- e_padlock.o ---
    --- dependall-share ---
    #    create  esdb/CP875.src
    /tmp/bracket/build/2019. 's/CPx/CP875/' /tmp/bracket/build/2019. > CP875.src
    --- dependall-crypto/external ---
    #   compile  bin/e_padlock.o
    /tmp/bracket/build/2019. -O2   -fPIE    -std=gnu99    -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wno-sign-compare  -Wsystem-headers   -Wno-traditional   -Wa,--fatal-warnings  -Wreturn-type -Wswitch -Wshadow -Werror     --sysroot=/tmp/bracket/build/2019. -DMONOLITH -DUSE_SSL -I/tmp/bracket/build/2019. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2019. -I/tmp/bracket/build/2019. -DOPENSSLDIR=\"/etc/openssl\" -DENGINESDIR=\"/usr/lib/openssl\" -DDSO_DLFCN -DHAVE_DLFCN_H  -c    /tmp/bracket/build/2019.
    --- dependall-share ---
    --- CP880.src ---
    --- dependall-usr.sbin ---
    nbmkdep: compile failed.
    *** [i386.d] Error code 1
    nbmake[6]: stopped in /tmp/bracket/build/2019.
    1 error

The following commits were made between the last successful build and
the failed build:

    2019. christos src/sys/arch/x86/include/Makefile,v 1.23
    2019. christos src/sys/arch/x86/include/cpufunc.h,v 1.29
    2019. christos src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c,v 1.97
    2019. christos src/distrib/sets/lists/comp/md.i386,v 1.188
    2019. christos src/sys/arch/x86/include/Makefile,v 1.24
    2019. christos src/sys/arch/x86/include/cpufunc.h,v 1.30
    2019. christos src/distrib/sets/lists/comp/md.i386,v 1.189

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