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Re: error of

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 05:10:27PM +0900, Masanobu SAITOH wrote:
>  Hi.
>  While cleaning some header files, I've noticed that sys/rump/include/rump/
> complained some sed lines:
> > % sh -f
> > Generating rumpdefs.h
> > sed: 1: "/#define[      ]*_FCN/{:t;N ...": unexpected EOF (pending }'s)
> > sed: 1: "/#define[      ]*_IO.*\\$/{ ...": unexpected EOF (pending }'s)
> > sed: 1: "/#define[      ]*_IO.*[^\]$ ...": bad flag in substitute command: '}'
> > Generating rumperr.h
> > Generating rumperrno2host.h
>  What is wrong?, sed or header files?

Non-NetBSD user but long time lurker here...

It looks like a syntax error in the sed script.  Each of those are
(probably) due to the last command in a {...} group not being terminated
by a ;. For example [1],


should be


The ;-less syntax would probably be ok for GNU sed, but I'm not sure
what NetBSD sed would say about it.  OpenBSD sed would error out in the
way you describe.


Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri,
National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS),
Uppsala University, Sweden.

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