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cvs surprise

With -current/amd64 kernel of this morning, March 14 userland, I was
surprised by:

U external/gpl3/gdb.old/dist/include/opcode/ft32.h
U external/gpl3/gdb.old/dist/include/opcode/h8300.h
U external/gpl3/gdb.old/dist/include/opcode/hppa.h
cvs update: warning: unrecognized response `   along with this program; if not, 
write to the Free Software' from cvs server
cvs update: warning: unrecognized response `   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Str
eet - Fifth Floor, Boston,' from cvs server
cvs update: warning: unrecognized response `   MA 02110-1301, USA.  */' from cvs
cvs update: warning: unrecognized response `' from cvs server
cvs update: warning: unrecognized response `#ifndef _VMS_EICP_H' from cvs server
cvs update: warning: unrecognized response `#define _VMS_EICP_H' from cvs server
cvs update: warning: unrecognized response `' from cvs server


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