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Re: Floppy image overflow

On 2017/02/08 13:13, Christos Zoulas wrote:
Sounds, great! Thanks!

Thanks :-).

On 2017/02/09 0:42, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
I'm afraid these unused functions should be "do {} while (/*CONSTCOND*/0)"
rather than "empty" comments because they could be used in if clauses
without braces (which is allowed in our /usr/share/misc/style):
			if (is_ufs2)
				swap_dinode2(inodebuf, lastinum - inumber);
				swap_dinode1(inodebuf, lastinum - inumber);
			bwrite(fswritefd, (char *)inodebuf, dblk, size);

All other part looks fine.

Thank you so much for your detailed review. I fixed and committed it!


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