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Re: Using sysinst to add additional distribution sets?

On Thu, 4 Feb 2016, John Nemeth wrote:

On Feb 5,  2:09pm, Paul Goyette wrote:
} I've previously done a minimal install, and now I want to add the
} "man.tgz" distribution set.  This is on a qemu virtual system, so I
} simply used vndconfig to access the "system disk" and copied man.tgz
} onto it.
} I then booted the target VM, and ran sysinst.  On the main menu, I
} selected item "(c) Re-install sets or install additional sets" and on
} the subsequent "Do you really want to ..." I answered Yes.  However,
} even though NetBSD is running from a "virtual hard drive", sysinst
} reports "I can not find any hard disks for use by NetBSD.  You will be
} returned to the original menu."
} I get the same error if I select item "(b) Upgrade NetBSD on a hard
} disk".
} Is this supposed to work?  If yes, what am I doing wrong?  (And if No,

    I would expect so.
Yeah, I would expect it to "just work"...  :)

} how is one expected to add more sets after an initial install?)

    They are just tarballs.  You can simply unpack them, i.e.
tar xpf man.tgz -C / (or $DESTDIR).
Yeah, true, good answer for someone with a clue.  But for the naive (or 
less-than-expert) user?

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:      |
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