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Re: NetBSD 7.0 i386 panic during boot

On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, Andreas Gustafsson wrote:

Robert Elz wrote:
If it is (as I believe is the case) failing to boot correctly, there
is no operating system running to write files, no filesystems visible
to write them, or crash dumps, to, nothing available but what appears on
the console.

The traditional way to handle this was to switch to a serial console (using
a com port) - but these days those things are very rare, so that option
is mostly no longer available.

Without that, all that you can get is what you can see on the screen.

One thing we could do is to enable 'options DDB_COMMANDONENTER="bt"'
in the INSTALL and GENERIC kernels.

Of course you'd still need to manually transcribe the console display,
or take a pic for screen capture.

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:       |
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