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Re: Downgrading from -current to -stable (TIL)

Timo Buhrmester <> writes:

> It's not supported to the netbsd-7 branch on a -current system, then extract the resulting sets + running postinstall(8), right?
> Especially the postinstall part, because it removed my libc.

I believe it is not supported.

> I'm not complaining, just want to make sure this is on myself (otherwise I would probably open a PR)

If you do want to to this, I would do the install of userland with a
current kernel, and then reboot to single user mode, and then remove all
the files that were installed by current and have a ctime older than
your 7 install.   This is useful anyway when doing upgrades, as I often
find /usr/include/g++ crud that causes problems (from a 4->5 upgrade??).
You can also just clean up /lib and /usr/lib judiciously by hand, and it
will probably be ok.

postinstall from -7 removing a libc installed by -7 sounds wrong, so if
you can figure out how to avoid that, it is probably worth fixing.  Even
if what you are doing is not supported.

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