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Patch Submitting Ettiquite

Hello all,

Sooner or later, I should have a patch to submit to the NetBSD source tree- for an old driver that relatively few people care about (but is meant as an exercise for writing a driver, possibly adding more esoteric hardware). From reading, the procedure seems to be to submit a problem report.

On the mailing list, however, I've seen people submit/try patches using diffs either as attachments or directly in email messages. This seems to make sense because more people (besides kernel developers) are likely to see the patch sooner and either give feedback or try the patch. I'm not sure whether those who posts diffs to the mailing list also post diffs as problem reports, but I assume that's dependent on the size of the change. Is it okay to send/notify patches sent as a problem report to current-users (or the relevant port) as well? Again, just want to make sure before I send *any* patch- not just one for esoteric hardware! :)


William D. Jones

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