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Re: kernel fault -current of 23/24 Apr 2015

On Fri, 24 Apr 2015, bch wrote:

Fyi, running "bt" in the debugger yields (transcribed BY HAND):

db{0}> bt
breakpoint() at netbsd:breakpoint+0x5
vpanic() at netbsd:vpanic+0x13c
snprintf() at netbsd:snprintf
lockdebug_abort() at netbsd:locdebug_abort+0x63
mutex_vector_enter() at netbsd:mutex_vector_enter+0x531
sysmon_evnsys_register() at netbsd:sysmon_evnsys_register+0x41
acpiacad_attach() at netbsd:acpiacad_attach+0xcd
config_attach_loc() at netbsd:config_attach_loc+0x17a
acpi_rescan() at netbsd:acpi_rescan+0x20d
acpi_attach() at netbsd:acpi_attach+0x2f1
config_attach_loc() at netbsd:config_attach_loc+0x17a
mainbus_attach() at netbsd:mainbus_attach+0x2a6
config_attach_loc() at netbsd:config_attach_loc+0x17a
cpu_configure() atnetbsd:cpu_configure+0x26
main() at netbsd:main+0x29e
Very odd....

For some reason, the sme_global_mtx seems to already be locked when sysmon_envsys_register tries to get it. Code examination shows that there is one error path where the mutex is not released, and I just committed a fix for that. It is unlikely, though, that this is why you two are having problems, as this code path would not (or, at least, should not) have changed from the modularization changes.
Brad, do you have the dmesg output leading up to the panic?  Wiz already 
provided his.

On 4/24/15, bch <> wrote:
Transcribed boot msgs:

Mutex error: mutex_vector_enter: locking against myself

lock address : 0xffffffff811bc040
current cpu   :                           0
current lwp   : 0xffffffff810cebc0
owner field   : 0xffffffff810cebc0 wait/spin:    0/0

panic: lock error: Mutex: mutex_vector_enter: locking against myself:
lock 0xffffffff811bc040 cpu 0 lwp 0xffffffff810cebc0
fatal breakpoint trap in supervisor mode
trap type 1 code 0 rip ffffffff80289eed cs 8 rflags 246 cr2 0 ilevel 8
rsp ffffffff8137fab0
curlwp 0xffffffff810cebc0 pid 0.1 lowest kstack 0xffffffff8137c2c0
Stopped in pid 0.1 (system) at netbsd:breakpoint+0x5: leave

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:       |
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