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Re: base.tgz no longer contains './bin/[' (in HEAD and netbsd-7)

On Sun, 19 Oct 2014, Alan Barrett wrote:
On Sat, 18 Oct 2014, Markus Kilbinger wrote:
While looking for old / outdated binaries in userland I noticed that './bin/[' is no longer updated / part of base.tgz (or any other *.tgz file) in HEAD and netbsd-7, though it still seems to be listed in 'src/distrib/sets/lists/base/mi'.
I can confirm that this is a problem.  There appears to be 
confusion about whether or not file names should be subjected to 
vis/unvis encoding.
This should be fixed in src/distrib/sets/join.awk revision 1.4.  I will
request a pullup to netbsd-7.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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