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Re: Problemns after updating from 6.1.4 to 6.1.5

On Oct 20,  6:38am, Paul Goyette wrote:
} On Sun, 19 Oct 2014, John Nemeth wrote:
} > } * I have to load the kernel from an external partition using grub, and
} > }    thus have to edit grub's menu.lst config file!
} > }
} > } * The booted kernel is independent of what is in /netbsd, so I currently
} > }    have to manually gunzip(1) the kernel on the external partition and
} > }    put the results in /netbsd
} >
} >     Why would you be using grub when you're keeping the kernel
} > outside the NetBSD partition.  All you need to do is add:
} >
} > kernel = "<path to kernel>"
} >
} > to your domU config.  xentools is fully capable of loading a NetBSD
} > kernel, including one that is gzipped.  An example from one of my
} > config files is:
} >
} > kernel = "/usr/pkg/etc/xen/kernels/netbsd-7-XEN3_DOMU.gz"
} >
} > This is not something that should be dependent on your dom0 as
} > xentools is supplied by the Xen project.
} Most likely, I don't know enough (approx zero) of the XEN environment to 
} get it right.  I'm just following the explicit instructions from my DOM0 
} provider.

     So, you're using a VPS.  This can change everything depending
on how they do things.  Which raises the question, who is the

} As a quick summary, I initially boot up a "common" DOMU which runs some 
} variant of Linux.  A customer-specific very small ext2fs partition is 
} mounted (based on my login information) on which I put my grub menu.lst 
} file and the kernel(s) I need to boot.  This partition is accessible 

     This tells me that they are most likely using pygrub or pvgrub.
Basically these things dig around in the image for the domU to find
a grub config file, which then tells p[yv]grub what needs to be
extracted (i.e. it will copy the kernel {and initramhd for linux}
out of the image and hand it to Xen).  This also tells me that in
your case, the menu.lst thing is necessary.

}-- End of excerpt from Paul Goyette

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