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XEN3_DOMU problem with -current


With 6.99.47 amd64 from a few minutes ago I get on the console:

Inappropriate ioctl for device
pam_authenticate: conversation failure

I can ssh as normal user without any apparent problem, then sudo to
root; 'su', on the other hand, gives me exactly the same two lines
(with an added Sorry:).

If I enable ssh login for root, I get:

ksh: j_init: tcgetpgrp() failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
ksh: warning: won't have full job control

The kernel in use is XEN3_DOMU (with fixed to xbd1a root and npf enabled).

Same generation GENERIC apparently works as usual. Earler XEN3_DOMU
6.99.46 kernel also is OK.

Chavdar Ivanov


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