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i386: locking panic on a soekris net6501

I have a Soekris net6501-70, which seems to run netbsd-6 i386 ok.

When I boot 6.99.40 (built a few days ago, with no tweaks to the kernel):

  panic: lock error
  cpu0: Begin traceback...
 at netbsd:vpanic+0x120
  ?(7ac00000,9d40c0e3,c332,b0000000,df98dacc,dacc,0,0,0,2000000) at 5aa3c85d
  cpu0: End traceback...

  dumping to dev 0,1 offset 2055

and this seems to be when dhclient tries to bring up wm0.  I did not end
up with a core dump.

any ideas?

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