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Re: gdbm-1.11 weirdness in gdbmtool.o

On Thu 02 Jan 2014 at 20:22:02 +0100, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> Can someone please try building databases/gdbm version 1.11 (just
> update Makefile.common from 1.10 to 1.11, 'make mdi', 'make package')?
> For me on NetBSD-6.99.28/amd64, with gcc I see a nearly unkillable
> 100% CPU gcc process, while with clang I just get one 100% CPU process
> (both while compiling gdbmtool.o).

A data point:
On my laptop with amd64-6.1 userland, and pkgsrc compiled from the
latest branch (built inside a 6.0.1 pkg_comp chroot), I see no such issues.
Clang produces some warnings that gcc doesn't, though.

>  Thomas
___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- The Doctor: No, 'eureka' is Greek for
\X/ rhialto/at/    -- 'this bath is too hot.'

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