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Re: NetBSD-HEAD amd64 refuses to build

On Fri 13 Dec 2013 at 12:08:02 +0100, Rhialto wrote:
> Next thing I'll try is adding -V HAVE_LLVM=yes -V MKLIBCXX=yes and see
> if it works for me then.

I removed all obj directories except for the tools (to save some time),
so the build is now already past the creation of libc/libunwind.d.

So it seems that currently, if you want to build llvm, you need to use
it for the build as well.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- The Doctor: No, 'eureka' is Greek for
\X/ rhialto/at/    -- 'this bath is too hot.'

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