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Re: Creating /dev/dk* nodes so as to be persistent

> On Fri, 18 Oct 2013, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> > Maybe I could install NetBSD root on a partition above the /dev/dk*
> > range, as long as I have the devpubd line in /etv/rc.conf?
> I'd be surprised if that works.  How will /etc/rc.d/fsck_root work
> before devpubd has been started, if there is no appropriate /dev/dk*
> node?
> Why not just make more /dev/dk* nodes?
> --apb (Alan Barrett)

Problem is how to make more /dev/dk* nodes so as to show at the next boot.

I can run
MAKEDEV dk15 dk16 dk17 ...
but these don't survive for the next boot.

With the devpubd line in /etc/rc.conf, "NO" changed to "YES", I saw the desired 
/dev/dk* nodes, but haven't yet had the situation where root partition needed 
to be fsck'ed since then.

Maybe the /dev/dk* nodes would be made before fsck_root?

I could see what happens and figure I have FreeBSD to fall back on to run 

Linux and FreeBSD now allocate device nodes dynamically, but I remember the old 
days when FreeBSD and Linux preconfigured device nodes statically as NetBSD and 
OpenBSD still do.


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