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Kernel lock error: _kernel_lock: spinout

I added a pair of disks from a demised NetBSD/amd64 to another
-current/amd64 box. This means that the box has 2 sets of autoconfiguring
raid 1 root sets, one of which is duff.

I can't get to a position where I can dd zero all over the offending disks

> boot -vsa
Found: wd3g at 1
raid9: allocating 20 buffers of 65536 bytes.
raid9: RAID Level 1
raid9: Components: component0[**FAILED**] /dev/wd3g
raid9: Total Sectors: 1173382400 (572940 MB)
boot device: <unknown>
root device: Kernel lock error: _kernel_lock: spinout

lock address : 0xffffffff80ca9780 type     :               spin
initialized  : 0xffffffff8040513e
shared holds :                  0 exclusive:                  1
shares wanted:                  0 exclusive:                  2
current cpu  :                  0 last held:                  3
current lwp  : 0xfffffe821f53d860 last held: 0xffffffff80c928a0
last locked* : 0xffffffff80497e2c unlocked : 0xffffffff8040c296
curcpu holds :                  0 wanted by: 0xfffffe821f53d860


Any suggestions?



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