On 22/06/2013 1:05, christos%astron.com@localhost wrote:
In article <a9948c38b28e187bd6ad529e4ec4a92a%mail.marples.name@localhost>, Roy Marples <roy%marples.name@localhost> wrote:On 21/06/2013 22:39, John Nemeth wrote:On Jun 21, 8:55pm, Roy Marples wrote:} * a DUID is now generated in /etc/dhcpcd.duid and this is used asa } client ID for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 } This does mean that you may get new DHCPv4 addresses Why are you doing a DUID for DHCPv4? That does not make any sense and violates POLA/POLS.See RFC4361. It's especially relevant for dhcpcd as it's the first dual stack DHCP client. This is controllable, by you, the user, in dhcpcd.conf(5)Not dhclient?
Assuming you're talking about dual stack, well, dhclient supports DHCPv4 OR DHCPv6.
Not both at the same time. That doesn't meet my criteria of dual stack.