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Re: dhc* in NetBSD 7.0

    Date:        Tue, 26 Mar 2013 11:58:19 -0700
    From:        Jeff Rizzo <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | Realistically speaking, 6.1 release is 2-3 weeks away.  There will 
  | likely be an RC3 by the end of this week(ish).

Doesn't there need to be a netbsd-6-1 branch before 6.1 gets all that
close to being released?   As best I can tell that hasn't happened yet.

And to get back to the topic of the Subject line, I personally think that
we need to (should) keep dhcpd (the server) in the system, regardless of
how few people actually need to run it (if you're looking for obsolete stuff
that could move to pkgsrc, you could start with just about everything in
/usr/games - dhcpd is at least useful for some people).

Then, if ISC dhcp is going to be kept in the tree I suspect it would be more
work to expunge dhclient than it is to keep it (especially now that the
tree is, it seems, back to a state where it can track ISC releases again,
so imports might be a bit more frequent than they have been).

At most, I'd avoid installing it in newer systems, but keep it there and
buildable so people who prefer it can easily bulid it (including cross
compiling so it can be used on small systems too.)


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