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Re: dhc* in NetBSD 7.0

On 3/20/13 12:59 PM, Rhialto wrote:
On Wed 20 Mar 2013 at 20:24:37 +0100, Hauke Fath wrote:
As to dhcpd(8), like you I don't see a reason why it has to be in base,
as opposed to pkgsrc. (What's next? postfix? ;)
It is part of a basic server configuration. One of the more common
parts, probably. If you only want to do the single-user thing, there is
this glorified program loader from Redmond that might be a better


I would suggest that it *isn't* part of a basic server config, though, because you only want one[1] per network, and unlike a lot of other services, rogue dhcp servers often cause real problems for people other than the admin setting things up. So, it might not be a bad thing to require another hoop to jump through. Even people setting up large, multi-user systems quite often don't need or want a DHCP server!

[1] in general. Yes, I realize more than one is a valid configuration for some setups. Heck, I'm running two in a primary/secondary config.

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