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Re: nForce430 /dev/sound0: high-pitched high-volume squeak

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 9:36 PM, Brian Buhrow <> 
>         hello.  When you run NetBSD-5.1 on this machine, are you still using
> the hdaudio(4) driver or are you using the azalia(4) driver?  Is the
> azalia(4) driver available in NetBSD-6?  If so, does that make your sound
> work?

In short, completely ignore my previous email. My troubles (dial-up
modem style noise)
were caused by audioctl settings incompatible with WAV files I tried
to send directly
to /dev/sound0 instead of using audioplay(1). One livecd succeeded because
it started pulseaudio which in turn changed  play.* audioctl settings
to proper values.

5.1/azalia(4) works perfectly.
6.0/azalia(4) works perfectly.
6.0/hdaudio(4) produces high-pitch _monotonous_ squeaks and music.

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