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Re: sysinst & X11 sets

    Date:        Tue, 07 Aug 2012 20:53:46 +0700
    From:        Robert Elz <kre%munnari.OZ.AU@localhost>
    Message-ID:  <>

  |   | So you didn't get into the menu.
  | No, I did not get into the sub-menu, if that is what should have
  | happened.

But when I tried again, I did.   Very weird...   I can't imagine
that I didn't try "enter" - as that's the way all the other sets
got switched from "no" to "yes" (I was installing everything, or
that was the intent).

Tonight I tried (all of) amd64 current amd64 6.0_BETA2 and i386 current
(where "current" means 6.99.10 of July 24, and the 6.0_BETA2 was
also as it was on July 24).   The amd64 current (6.99.10) was the
same one I installed a week or so ago (almost 2 now, probably July 25)
where I experienced the problem.

I suppose it is possible that when I did the install the first time,
some sticky key was set (caps lock, num lock, ... something) that
I didn't notice (I mostly use a USB keyboard with no leds) but
"enter" clearly was working for toggling No -> Yes for the sets
in the main menu, so I can't imagine how that would prevent the
same "enter" from opening the sub-menu.

I only mention that as a possibility, as for the first few "installs"
I did tonight, I had caps-lock set (normally I have that mapped away
to be a dead key, so I usually ignore it, but of course that doesn't
happen in the installer) - that prevented the a b c ... keys
working (whch took me a while to figure out, since I was sure they
worked last time...) but didn't stop enter from opening the
X11 (& source) sub menu.

[Aside: "installs" is in quotes as I onl went as far as selecting
sets in the custom install menu, and then killed it.]

Anyway, whatever hapened last time, was clearly something that
I did to myself, somehow, so thanks for the assistance, and you
can all go back to ignoring this!


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