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[HEADS UP] dhcpcd-5.6.1 imported

Hi List

This is a heads up to say that dhcpcd-5.6.1 has been imported into -current with these changes:

Improve IPv6 RA support by allowing dhcpcd to manage addreses and routes instead of the kernel. dhcpcd will only do this if RA has been disabled in the kernel or instructed to do so via the dhcpcd.conf(5) ipv6ra_own and/or ipv6ra_owndefault directives.

Send and process IPv6 Neighbor Solicitions and Adverts to prove router reachability. If a router cannot be reached in this way then it is expired.

I would ask any users of IPv6 RA to test dhcpcd to check that it works with the kernel handling addressing/routing and then transfer control over to dhcpcd. One day, ipv6ra_own could become a default setting if dhcpcd proves robust and correct so testing now is good!
Also, the same codepath will be used when dhcpcd grows DHCPv6 support.



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